Children of Syria: from the video

I am sorry to be always , or most of the times,  bringing to my viewers sad tidings. My subject allows me no leeway at the present as the tragic events on the ground in Syria are accelerating and spinning out of control. The suffering of the common man and woman are indescribable, but most of all the children of Syria who are about forty per cent of the population are paying the heaviest price.

At the end of my video, Children of Syria I quoted from T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets in order to bring a message of affirmation and  hope asserting that the cycle of death will bring forth a cycle of rebirth and new life.

From a painting by © Alisar Iram.


©Alisar Iram

About alisariram

I am an artist, a writer and a researcher. I know Arabic and English . I am interested in music and art of every description. I like to describe myself as the embodiment of a harmonious marriage between two cultures which I value and treasure.
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